Nathan Prescott Joins Highline Beta as Head of Growth, Venture Studio

We are very excited to make the announcement that Nathan Prescott has joined Highline Beta as Head of Growth, Venture Studio. Nathan has incredible experience in marketing, sales and growth, helping many online and traditional businesses scale digitally.

Most recently, Nathan ran Vault/Scale Capital, which acquired capital efficient, scalable, defensible digital businesses and grew them. The company invested in over 30 online businesses across a diverse set of industries and verticals. Additionally, Nathan was Head of Growth at RareAudience, an agency supporting startups and large organizations with their marketing efforts. 

Highline Beta’s Venture Studio helps founders build startups from scratch. We jump in at the earliest stage, sometimes even before there’s a real idea, to validate an opportunity, build a minimum viable product, identify the right team, corporate partners and get to launch. We help raise pre-seed and seed financing, and invest ourselves through our fund. To-date, our Venture Studio has helped launch several startups including Relay Platform (which recently raised USD $5.2M from Drive Capital, with our participation), Moselle and Volley.

“We are looking forward to Nathan’s impact in our Venture Studio, helping founders build their startups. Getting early traction through identifying the right customers and how to reach them is critical to the success of any new company. Nathan will play a huge role in helping our startups find those customers, build out marketing and growth playbooks and get the seed financing they need to move forward” — Ben Yoskovitz, Founding Partner

In his new role, Nathan will draw on his experience as an entrepreneur, investor and growth marketer to help our Venture Studio build and launch new companies. His diverse background working in many different industries will give our founders different perspectives on how to approach validating new opportunities and kicking off new growth and marketing initiatives. Nathan will be actively executing against and advising founders across SEO, content strategy, design, customer/user acquisition, channel optimization, partnerships, B2B sales and more. He’s the ideal combination of strategist and “get your hands dirty” executor that makes him an excellent fit for Highline Beta.

“Working closely with founders has always been the most enjoyable part of my career. Few workplaces have the culture, founder focus, collaborative talent and drive to make a real impact that I see present at Highline Beta. I am thrilled to be advancing Highline Beta’s mission with the Venture Studio team!” — Nathan Prescott

We’ve always believed in the potential of the Venture Studio model to build and launch great startups, with the right connections to corporate partners, that provides an unfair advantage. With Nathan on board as Head of Growth, we’ve added a key piece to the puzzle in order to support founders, identify new opportunities and build great startups.

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